Picture of Equipe ABREN

Equipe ABREN

A ABREN integra o Global Waste to Energy Research and Technology Council (GWC) e é associada da Associação Internacional de Resíduos Sólidos ou International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)

4th ABREN International Webinar: Biogas and Biomethane

Date: 14th of July 2020
Time: 15 am to 17 pm. (start at GMT-3)

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President of The Brazilian Association for Energy Recovery from Waste (ABREN), President of Waste to Energy Research and Technology Council (WtERT – Brazil) and partner at Girardi & Advogados. Bachelor of Laws, Postgraduate in Electricity Law and Master in Law and Public Policy from UniCEUB, and author of the book: “Waste-to-Energy as an Environmentally Appropriate Form for Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste”.

Perspective of the European and Italian Biogas and Biomethan market

Ph.D. from the Faculty of Agriculture of Milan. He is an expert in the biogas and biomethane sector. Since 2011 he is Head of Research and Development of Consortium Italian Biogas. He has participated and is participating in 10 projects funded by the European Commission and he was a speaker in numerous international conferences and workshops.

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Master of Science in Chemical Engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan. In 1987 he founded the Tecno Project Industriale S.r.l. He has a large experience in energy savings related to plant services in construction and application in the chemical and food industry, of equipment and plants for the production of carbon dioxide e purification and treatment of technical gases. In 1997, he established the company TPI in Sao Paulo (today TPI Brazil).

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P.I. from ECOMOTIVE SOLUTIONS, Italy. Specialized in Natural Gas and Bio Natural Gas, expert in application for the automotive and industrial field, has a particular focus on Bio LNG and liquefication technologies. Since 1998 works as Business Developer & Project Manager for Holdim Group. Is part of the Board of Directors of Consortium Italian Biogas. He took speeches in several national and international forum regarding the use of alternative fuels for the energy transition.

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PhD Material Sciences, Renewable Energy and Environment Laboratory Ibn Tofail University-Kenitra- Morocco. President of Moroccan Association of Solid Waste.

Master and PhD in bioenergy at IEE / USP. Professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Energy at IEE / USP and the Doctoral Program in Bioenergy at Esalq / USP. Project Coordinator “The prospects for biogas and biomethane for the state of São Paulo”, RCGI / FAPESP / SHELL. Assistant Secretary of Environment of the State of SP from 2003 to 2006.

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Organization: Associação Brasileira de Recuperação Energética de Resíduos (ABREN)


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